MakeSure provides an external API for all it's clients in order to allow them to integrate our services within their services.
API Endpoint:
Authenticating requires you to have a set of credentials consisting of a Client Key and a Client Secret. Please contact us in order to receive your own credentials and to discuss billing options and such.
Obtaining Credentials
In order to obtain a set of API test credentials please send an e-mail to
Request JSON:
key: "string",
secret: "string",
scope: <scope>
Once you have obtained a set of credentials feel free to use the API as described. Before doing so, you will however be required to obtain an Access Token.
Obtaining the access token is a trivial process and requires you to make a request to our endpoint using the given credentials. In exchange you will be given an access token which you must use to access our resources.
If necessary, we may provide clients with read-only credentials in case they further want to share access to the resources they created with other parties.
Scope Types
Type | Description |
api.job:write | Provides access to the jobs creation endpoint. |
api.job:read | Provides access to the jobs listing endpoint. |
Using the Access Token
To be able to access any other endpoint, you must provide an authorization header as shown below.
In case the token has been tampered at any time, it will automatically be blocked by our service and a temporary IP block will be issued to the requesting host.
The header must be included in all the requests made towards other endpoints.
Authorization: Bearer <Token>
Create Job
Request JSON:
"id": "string",
"applicant": {
"country" (optional): "string",
"countryCode" (optional): "string",
"email": "string",
"notificationType": "SMS|EMAIL|ALL|NONE",
"firstName": "string",
"lastName": "string",
"middleName" (optional): "string",
"mobile" (optional): "string",
"genderCode": "M|F|X",
"phone1" (optional): "string",
"phone2" (optional): "string",
"postCode": "string",
"prefName" (optional): "string",
"state" (optional): "string",
"street" (optional): "string",
"suburb" (optional): "string",
"title" (optional): "string"
"application": {
"job": {
"hiringManager": {
"title" (optional): "string",
"firstName": "string",
"lastName": "string",
"prefName" (optional): "string",
"phone" (optional): "string",
"mobile" (optional): "string",
"fax" (optional): "string",
"email": "string",
"country" (optional): "string",
"countryCode" (optional): "string"
"jobLocation" (optional): "string",
"jobTitle" (optional): "string",
"positionTitle": "string"
"profitCentre" (optional): "string"
"officeCode" (optional): "string"
"package": {
"custom": boolean,
"checks": [{
"id": number,
"noEmployers" (optional): number
"code": "string",
"title" (optional): "string"
"duedate" (optional): "YYYY-MM-DD",
"options": {
"callback": [{
"url" (optional): string,
"state" (optional): string,
"token" (optional): string,
"redirect_url" (optional): "string",
"deadline" (optional): "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS",
Response JSON:
status: "Pending|Progress|Completed|Archived|Cancelled|Failed",
jobId: "string",
jobURL: "string",
refusedChecks[]: number
Creating a job requires providing several information based on the type of the required job.
Required Scope
Scope: api.job:write
HTTP Request
POST /job/create
Request Object
Key | Value |
id | The local ID of the job you are forwarding to us. This is to avoid duplicate entries. |
applicant | |
country | Optional. Full name of the country where the applicant resides. |
countryCode | Optional. Country code of the applicant in ISO ALPHA-2 format. |
E-mail of the applicant. | |
notificationType | The method we should use to notify the applicant about the progress of their job checks. |
firstName | First name of the applicant. |
lastName | Last name of the applicant. |
middleName | Optional. Middle name of the applicant. If existent do NOT omit as full name is required. |
mobile | Optional. Mobile phone number of the applicant. Will be used for SMS notifications. Please attach the phone number prefix specific to the country of the applicant. |
genderCode | Gender code of the applicant. |
phone1 | Optional. Additional phone for the applicant. This will be used for personal contact if needed. |
phone2 | Optional. Additional phone for the applicant. This will be used for personal contact if needed. |
postCode | Post code for the area where the applicant resides. |
prefName | Optional. Preferred name which we will use to address the applicant if required. |
state | Optional. State where the applicant resides. |
street | Optional. Street where the applicant resides. |
suburb | Optional. Suburt where the applicant resides. |
title | Optional. Generally expecting Mr/Ms but it is left to the choice of the client. |
application.job.hiringManager | |
title | Optional. Generally expecting Mr/Ms but it is left to the choice of the client. |
firstName | First name of the hiring manager. |
lastName | Last name of the hiring manager. |
prefName | Optional. Preferred name which we will use to address the hiring manager if required. |
phone | Optional. Phone of the hiring manager. This will be used for personal contact if needed. |
mobile | Optional. Mobile phone number of the hiring manager. Will be used for SMS notifications. |
fax | Optional. Fax number of the hiring manager. |
E-mail address of the hiring manager. | |
country | Optional. Full name of the country where the applicant resides. |
countryCode | Optional. Country code of the applicant in ISO ALPHA-2 format. |
application.job | |
jobLocation | Optional. |
jobTitle | Optional. |
positionTitle | Full name of the position the applicant is going to fill after employment. |
profitCentre | Optional. The position reference of job the applicant is going to fill after employment. |
officeCode | Optional. Makesure clients operating with multiple ABN entities require each ABN entity to be identifiable/distinguishable by an office code. If the office code is not provided in the API request, the system will default to the office code for the Primary Company ABN |
package | |
custom | True for a list of checks or false for a unique code to provide preset job checks. |
package.checks | Required only if "custom" is true. An array of checks. |
id | The id of the check that job will contain. |
noEmployers | Optional. The number of employers who should recommend the applicant. From 1 to 3 employers. |
code | Required only if "custom" is false. A unique code provided to each API consumer in order to provide preset job checks for applicants. |
title | Optional. Title we should use when referring to the job. |
options | |
redirect_url | Optional. The URL used to redirect the applicant after complete the check on makesure |
deadline | Optional. The maximum date until the applicant can complete the check. |
options.callback | |
url | Optional. The URL used to push job details when job status is changed according to "callback.state" parameter. |
state | Optional. Job status for which callback is triggered. Available options: "Completed", "Cancelled", "Archived", "All" |
token | Optional. Access token required to authenticate in order to perform the callback. |
Response Object
Key | Value |
status | The status of the job. |
jobId | The ID of the job provided to us. |
jobURL | The link the candidate should access in order to fill in the rest of the informations. |
refusedChecks | A list of ids which represents the refused checks from the list provided to us. |
HTTP Request Example
For testing purposes until a live package is defined, please use: "code": "100601"
Create Job Prefilled
Request JSON:
"id": "string",
"applicant": {
"country": "string", (optional)
"countryCode": "string", (optional)
"email": "string",
"notificationType": "SMS|EMAIL|ALL|NONE",
"firstName": "string",
"lastName": "string",
"middleName": "string", (optional)
"mobile": "string", (optional)
"genderCode": "M|F|X",
"phone1": "string", (optional)
"phone2": "string", (optional)
"postCode": "string",
"prefName": "string", (optional)
"state": "string", (optional)
"street": "string", (optional)
"suburb": "string", (optional)
"title": "string" (optional)
"application": {
"job": {
"hiringManager": {
"title": "string", (optional)
"firstName": "string",
"lastName": "string",
"prefName": "string", (optional)
"phone": "string", (optional)
"mobile": "string", (optional)
"fax": "string", (optional)
"email": "string",
"country": "string", (optional)
"countryCode": "string" (optional)
"jobLocation": "string", (optional)
"jobTitle": "string", (optional)
"positionTitle": "string" ,
"profitCentre": "string" (optional)
"officeCode": "string" (mandatory for NCCHC checks)
"ncchcconsent": "1" (mandatory for NCCHC checks)
"thirdpartyconsent": "0|1" (mandatory for NCCHC checks)
"documents": [
"code": "selfie|consent|IdentityDocumentCode",
"image": "string",
"data": "IdentityDocumentData" (required only for Identity Documents)
"package": {
"custom": boolean,
"checks": [{
"id": number,
"noEmployers": number (optional)
"additionalData": {
"workPlace": "string",
"work_location_state": "string",
"work_location_town": "string",
"contact_with_children": "No Vulnerable|Supervised contact|Unsupervised contact",
"address": [{
"type": "RESID|POST|PREV",
"street": "string",
"suburb": "string",
"state": "string",
"postcode": "string",
"country": "string",
"startDate": "dd/mm/yyyy",
"endDate": "dd/mm/yyyy" (required only for Previous Addresses)
"birthDetails": {
"dateYearOnly": "boolean",
"date": "dd/mm/yyyy|yyyy",
"town": "string",
"state": "string",
"country": "string"
"documentsInCurrentName": "boolean"
"previousName": { (optional)
"firstName": "string",
"lastName": "string",
"middleName": "string", (optional)
"singleNameOnly": "boolean"
"code": "string",
"title": "string" (optional)
"duedate": "YYYY-MM-DD", (optional)
"options": {
"callback": {
"url": string, (optional)
"state": string, (optional)
"token": string, (optional)
"redirect_url": "string", (optional)
"deadline": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS", (optional)
Response JSON:
status: "Pending|Progress|Completed|Archived|Cancelled|Failed",
jobId: "string",
jobURL: "string",
refusedChecks[]: number
Identity Documents Data:
Australian Birth Certificate:
FamilyName: "string",
GivenName: "string", (optional)
BirthDate: "YYYY-MM-DD", (ISO 8601 date string)
RegistrationNumber: "string", (optional if CertificateNumber is provided)
CertificateNumber: "string", (optional if RegistrationNumber is provided)
RegistrationState: "string",
RegistrationDate: "YYYY-MM-DD", (optional ISO 8601 date string)
RegistrationYear: "string", (optional)
DatePrinted: "string" (optional)
Australian Citizenship Certificate:
FamilyName: "string",
GivenName: "string", (optional)
BirthDate: "YYYY-MM-DD", (optional ISO 8601 date string)
AcquisitionDate: YYYY-MM-DD, (optional ISO 8601 date string)
StockNumber: string
Australian Visa:
FamilyName: "string",
GivenName: "string", (optional)
BirthDate: "YYYY-MM-DD", (optional ISO 8601 date string)
CountryOfIssue: string, (optional ISO 3166 alpha-3 string)
PassportNumber: string
FamilyName: "string",
GivenName: "string", (optional)
BirthDate: "YYYY-MM-DD", (optional ISO 8601 date string)
ImmiCardNumber: string
Australian Passport:
FamilyName: "string",
GivenName: "string", (optional)
BirthDate: "YYYY-MM-DD", (ISO 8601 date string)
Gender: "string", (optional M|F|X)
TravelDocumentNumber: "string"
Australian Driver Licence:
FamilyName: "string",
GivenName: "string", (optional)
MiddleName: "string", (optional)
BirthDate: "YYYY-MM-DD", (ISO 8601 date string)
StateOfIssue: "string",
LicenceNumber: "string",
CardNumber: "string" (optional)
Foreign Passport:
FamilyName: "string",
GivenName: "string", (optional)
BirthDate: "YYYY-MM-DD", (ISO 8601 date string)
CountryOfIssue: "string", (optional ISO 3166 alpha-3 string)
PassportNumber: "string"
Proof of Age:
ReferenceNumber: "string", (optional)
ExpiryDate: "YYYY-MM-DD" (ISO 8601 date string)
Student Identity Document:
ReferenceNumber: "string", (optional)
ExpiryDate: "YYYY-MM-DD" (ISO 8601 date string)
Medicare card:
FamilyName: "string",
GivenName: "string", (optional)
CardNumber: "string"
Bank/Credit card:
FamilyName: "string",
GivenName: "string", (optional)
ExpiryDate: "MM-DD"
DFAT issued Certificate of Identity:
DFAT issued Document of Identity:
DFAT issued United Nations Convention Travel Document Secondary:
Foreign government issued documents:
Enrolment with the Australian Electoral Commission:
Security Guard/Crowd Control photo licence:
Evidence of right to a government benefit (DVA or Centrelink):
Consular photo identity card issued by DFAT:
Police Force Officer photo identity card:
Australian Defence Force photo identity card:
Commonwealth or state/territory government photo identity card:
Aviation security identification card:
Maritime security identification card:
Firearms licence:
Credit reference check:
Australian secondary or tertiary student photo identity document:
Certified academic transcript from an Australian university:
Trusted referees report:
Tax File Number:
FamilyName: "string",
GivenName: "string" (optional)
Change of Name Certificate:
FamilyName: "string",
GivenName: "string", (optional)
BirthDate: "YYYY-MM-DD",
RegistrationNumber: "string", (optional if CertificateNumber is provided)
RegistrationState: "string",
RegistrationYear: "string", (optional)
CertificateNumber: "string", (optional if RegistrationNumber is provided)
DatePrinted: "string", (optional)
RegistrationDate: "string", (optional)
FamilyName2: "string",
GivenName2: "string", (optional)
Marriage Certificate:
FamilyName: "string",
GivenName: "string", (optional)
DateOfEvent: "YYYY-MM-DD",
RegistrationNumber: "string", (optional if CertificateNumber is provided)
RegistrationState: "string", (optional)
CertificateNumber: "string", (optional if RegistrationNumber is provided)
RegistrationYear: "string", (optional)
DatePrinted: "YYYY-MM-DD", (optional ISO 3166 alpha-3 string)
RegistrationDate: "YYYY-MM-DD", (optional ISO 3166 alpha-3 string)
FamilyName2: "string",
GivenName2: "string",
Australian Reissued Birth Certificate:
FamilyName: "string",
GivenName: "string", (optional)
FamilyName2: "string",
GivenName2: "string", (optional)
BirthDate: "YYYY-MM-DD",
RegistrationState: "string",
CertificateNumber: "string", (optional if RegistrationNumber is provided)
RegistrationNumber: "string", (optional if CertificateNumber is provided)
RegistrationDate: "YYYY-MM-DD" (optional ISO 3166 alpha-3 string)
Creating a job requires providing several information based on the type of the required job.
Important: Document Submission for NCCHC
Please ensure that the following documents are uploaded and all required information is added before submitting a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check (NCCHC) to Makesure:
- Commencement of Identity Document: Upload at least one document listed as a ‘Commencement of Identity Document’ in the reference and their document identifiers.
- Photographic Identity Document: Upload an identity document containing a photograph from one of the provided documents.
- Primary Use in Community Document: Upload at least one document listed as a ‘Primary Use in Community Document’ in the reference and their document identifiers.
- Secondary Use in Community Document: Upload at least one document listed as a ‘Secondary Use in the Community Document’ in the reference and their document identifiers.
- Passport-Style Photograph: Submit a passport-style photograph of the applicant.
- Name Discrepancies: If the names on any of the identity documents differ, provide documentation that demonstrates a link between the differing names as listed in the reference and their document identifiers.
Required Scope
Scope: api.job:write
HTTP Request
POST /job/create_prefilled
Request Object
Key | Value |
id | The local ID of the job you are forwarding to us. This is to avoid duplicate entries. |
applicant | |
country | Optional. Full name of the country where the applicant resides. |
countryCode | Optional. Country code of the applicant in ISO ALPHA-2 format. |
E-mail of the applicant. | |
notificationType | The method we should use to notify the applicant about the progress of their job checks. |
firstName | First name of the applicant. |
lastName | Last name of the applicant. |
middleName | Optional. Middle name of the applicant. If existent do NOT omit as full name is required. |
mobile | Optional. Mobile phone number of the applicant. Will be used for SMS notifications. Please attach the phone number prefix specific to the country of the applicant. |
genderCode | Gender code of the applicant. |
phone1 | Optional. Additional phone for the applicant. This will be used for personal contact if needed. |
phone2 | Optional. Additional phone for the applicant. This will be used for personal contact if needed. |
postCode | Post code for the area where the applicant resides. |
prefName | Optional. Preferred name which we will use to address the applicant if required. |
state | Optional. State where the applicant resides. |
street | Optional. Street where the applicant resides. |
suburb | Optional. Suburt where the applicant resides. |
title | Optional. Generally expecting Mr/Ms but it is left to the choice of the client. |
application.job.hiringManager | |
title | Optional. Generally expecting Mr/Ms but it is left to the choice of the client. |
firstName | First name of the hiring manager. |
lastName | Last name of the hiring manager. |
prefName | Optional. Preferred name which we will use to address the hiring manager if required. |
phone | Optional. Phone of the hiring manager. This will be used for personal contact if needed. |
mobile | Optional. Mobile phone number of the hiring manager. Will be used for SMS notifications. |
fax | Optional. Fax number of the hiring manager. |
E-mail address of the hiring manager. | |
country | Optional. Full name of the country where the applicant resides. |
countryCode | Optional. Country code of the applicant in ISO ALPHA-2 format. |
application.job | |
jobLocation | Optional. |
jobTitle | Optional. |
positionTitle | Full name of the position the applicant is going to fill after employment. |
profitCentre | Optional. The position reference of job the applicant is going to fill after employment. |
officeCode | Optional. Makesure clients operating with multiple ABN entities require each ABN entity to be identifiable/distinguishable by an office code. If the office code is not provided in the API request, the system will default to the office code for the Primary Company ABN |
documents | |
code | The document code can be one of the following values: "selfie", "consent", or one of the document codes listed below. |
image | Document image URL |
data | Identity Document data |
package | |
custom | True for a list of checks or false for a unique code to provide preset job checks. |
package.checks | Required only if "custom" is true. An array of checks. |
id | The id of the check that job will contain. |
noEmployers | Optional. The number of employers who should recommend the applicant. From 1 to 3 employers. |
code | Required only if "custom" is false. A unique code provided to each API consumer in order to provide preset job checks for applicants. |
title | Optional. Title we should use when referring to the job. |
package.checks.additionalData | |
workPlace | Place of work e.g. school, aged care facility, domestic work sites, financial services offices. |
work_location_state | Work location (State). |
work_location_state | Work location (Town). |
contact_with_children | Applicant will have direct or indirect contact with children or vulnerable groups. |
address | Applicant current and previous residential addresses of the last five years. |
documentsInCurrentName | Applicant identity documents are in current name. |
previousName | Required only if "documentsInCurrentName" is false. |
options | |
redirect_url | Optional. The URL used to redirect the applicant after complete the check on makesure |
deadline | Optional. The maximum date until the applicant can complete the check. |
options.callback | |
url | Optional. The URL used to push job details when job status is changed according to "callback.state" parameter. |
state | Optional. Job status for which callback is triggered. Available options: "Completed", "Cancelled", "Archived", "All" |
token | Optional. Access token required to authenticate in order to perform the callback. |
Identity Documents
Code | Type | Document | Notes |
BC | Commencement | Birth Certificate or authorised record of birth Note: Extract or birth card must not be accepted |
Issued by an Australian State or Territory Government Register of Births, Deaths and Marriages. |
CC | Commencement | Australian Citizenship Certificate | Issued in the Individual’s name or former name by the Department of Home Affairs. |
VI | Commencement | Australian visa Note: This must be supported by a foreign passport, which is needed for verification |
Issued by the Department of Home Affairs. |
IM | Commencement | ImmiCard | A card issued in the individual’s name or former name by the Department of Home Affairs. |
PP | Commencement | A current Australian Passport Note: If DVS is used to verify the passport, it may be up to 3 years expired |
Issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. |
PP | Primary | A current Australian Passport Note: If DVS is used to verify the passport, it may be up to 3 years expired |
Issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. |
DL | Primary | Australian driver licence, learner permit or provisional licence | A licence issued by an Australian State or Territory Government in the Individual’s name with their photo. For digital Drivers licence the security features must be tested to ensure authenticity. |
IM | Primary | ImmiCard | A card issued in the individual’s name or former name by the Department of Home Affairs. |
FP | Primary | Foreign passport issued by a country other than Australia with a valid visa or valid entry stamp or equivalent | Issued by the relevant Foreign Government. |
PA | Primary | A proof of age or photo identity card which shows the name, date of birth, photo and signature of the individual | Issued by an Australian State or Territory Government in the Individual’s name and includes their photo. |
SD | Primary | Student identity document for persons aged under 18 years with no other Primary Use in Community Documents | Australian secondary school, TAFE, University, Registered Training Organisation or State Government Agency. |
CoI | Secondary | Certificate of Identity | Issued in the individual’s name or former name by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. |
DoI | Secondary | Document of Identity | Issued in the individual’s name or former name by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. |
UNT | Secondary | United Nations Convention Travel Document Secondary | Issued in the individual’s name or former name by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. |
FGD | Secondary | Foreign identity documents (e.g. driver licences) Note: Documents in languages other than English must be accompanied by a NAATI accredited translation. |
Issued by the relevant Foreign Government. |
MD | Secondary | Medicare card | Issued by Services Australia |
AEC | Secondary | Electoral enrolment | Proof of electoral enrolment in the Individual’s name and showing their current address provided by the Australian Electoral Commission. |
SCL | Secondary | Security Guard/Crowd Control photo licence | Issued by an Australian State or Territory Government. |
EoR | Secondary | Evidence of right to a government benefit (DVA or Centrelink) | Issued by Services Australia. |
CPI | Secondary | Consular photo identity card | A photo ID card issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. |
PFO | Secondary | Police Force Officer photo identity card | A photo ID card issued by an Australia Federal, State or Territory Police Agencies. |
ADF | Secondary | Defence Force photo identity card | A photo ID card issued by the Australian Defence Force. |
CMW | Secondary | Photo identity card Note: This may take the form of a working with children or vulnerable people card or a government issued occupational licence |
A Photo ID card issued by the Commonwealth, or an Australian State or Territory Government issued in the Individual’s name and includes their photo. The card may include a validity period. |
ASI | Secondary | Aviation security identification card | A current card issued in the Individual’s name and includes their photo and issued by the Department of Home Affairs. |
MSI | Secondary | Maritime security identification card | A current card issued in the Individual’s name and includes their photo and issued by the Department of Home Affairs. |
FAL | Secondary | Firearms licence | A current card issued in the Individual’s name and includes their photo and issued by the State and Territory Police Agencies. |
CRC | Secondary | Credit reference check | Issued by a credit provider. |
AST | Secondary | Australian secondary or tertiary student photo identity document | Issued by an Australian secondary school, TAFE, University, Registered Training Organisation or State Government Agency. |
CAT | Secondary | Certified academic transcript | Issued by an Australian secondary school, TAFE, university or Registered Training Organisation which includes the Individual’s name or former name. |
TRR | Secondary | Trusted referees report | The referee providing the report must know the applicant. |
BCC | Secondary | Bank card, credit card (without recording the payment card number/s) | Issued by a bank, credit union or building society. The Individual’s signature must be on the card documents from foreign banks or institutions are not accepted. |
TFN | Secondary | Tax File Number | Issued by the Australian Taxation Office. |
NC | Change of Name | Change of name certificate | Issued by an Australian State or Territory Government. |
MC | Change of Name | Marriage certificate Note: Church or celebrant-issued certificates must not be accepted |
Issued by an Australian State or Territory Government. |
NBC | Change of Name | Australian Reissued Birth Certificate |
Response Object
Key | Value |
status | The status of the job. |
jobId | The ID of the job provided to us. |
jobURL | The link the candidate should access in order to fill in the rest of the informations. |
refusedChecks | A list of ids which represents the refused checks from the list provided to us. |
HTTP Request Example
For testing purposes until a live package is defined, please use: "code": "100601"
Get Job Status
Get All Jobs
Response JSON:
jobs[]: {
jobId: number,
status: "Pending|Progress|Completed|Cancelled|Failed"
Retrieves all the jobs created by a specific client.
Required Scope
Scope: api.job:read
HTTP Request
GET /job/all
Query Parameters
Parameter | Default | Description |
include_completed | false | If set to true, it will include completed jobs. |
include_unassigned | true | If set to false, it will not include pending jobs. |
Get a Specific Job
Response JSON:
jobId: number,
status: "Pending|Progress|Completed|Cancelled|Failed",
jobDetails: {
dateCompleted: "string",
visaSubclass: "string",
visaExpiryDate: "string",
workingRightsRestrictions: "string"
packageDetails: [{
check_id: {
dateCompleted: "string",
checkStatus: "Pending|Progress|Completed|Canceled|Failed"
jobURL: "string",
jobURLvalidUntil: "string"
Retrieves data about a specific job.
Required Scope
Scope: api.job:read
HTTP Request
GET /job/<ID>
URL Parameters
Parameter | Description |
ID | The ID of the job to retrieve. |
Response Object
Key | Value |
jobId | The ID of the job provided to us. |
status | The status of the job. |
jobDetails | Optional. Key only available if the job has a "Right to Work" check included and a Makesure Admin created a Result Document for that. |
jobURL | The job details link. Should be used for administrative purposes. |
jobURLvalidUntil | The time until the jobURL can be accessed. Key available only if a time to live was specified for the provided job. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), UTC +0. |
Cancel Job
Request JSON:
"reason": "string"
Cancels a specific job.
Required Scope
Scope: api.job:write
HTTP Request
PUT /job/<ID>
URL Parameters
Parameter | Description |
ID | The ID of the job to cancel. |
Request Object
Key | Value |
reason | The reason for the job being cancelled. |
Create Job URL
Request JSON:
"id": "string",
"ttl" (optional): number
Response JSON:
jobId: "string",
jobURL: "string",
validUntil: "string"
Appends a time to live to an access URL for a specific job.
Required Scope
Scope: api.job:write
HTTP Request
POST /job/token
Request Object
Key | Value |
id | The local ID of the job you are forwarding to us. |
ttl | Optional. The time to live, in seconds, for the job URL. It can take number values and if it is not specified or it is equal to 0 the token has an infinite live time. |
Response Object
Key | Value |
jobId | The ID of the job provided to us. |
jobURL | The job details link. Should be used for administrative purposes. |
validUntil | The time until the jobURL can be accessed. Key available only if a time to live was specified for the provided job. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), UTC +0. |
Get Client Checks
Response JSON:
response[]: {
id: number,
name: "string",
noEmployers: "string"
Retrieves all the checks for a specific client.
Required Scope
Scope: api.job:read
HTTP Request
GET /checks
Response Codes
Our API will return the following response codes depending on the situation.
Error Code | Meaning |
200 | OK -- Request has been successfully processed. |
201 | Created -- Request resulted in creating an object. |
400 | Bad Request -- Request hasn't passed validation. Errors are explained in the request. |
401 | Unauthorized -- API token is invalid, has been modified and failed to pass verification or has expired. |
403 | Forbidden -- API token does not have the required permissions assigned. |
404 | Not Found -- The API endpoint does not exist. |
500 | Internal Server Error -- Our API messed up. Let us know if this happens. |
503 | Service Unavailable -- API is currently under maintenance. |